Category Archives for Health

7 Tips to Improve Your Toddler’s Concentration

7 Tips to Improve Your Toddler’s Concentration

Toddlers are curious little people.

They learn through play and discovery and often this can feel like they never really do one thing for very long. 

But how do you know if your toddler can’t focus or if they are just being a normal, curious toddler?

Hopefully, we can offer some insight.

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Baby is trying to run on the beach

5 Reasons to Choose a Baby Push Walker over a Classic Baby Walker

It is important to teach our children independence while helping them progress when they reach developmental milestones.

When your little one is building her strength, beginning to stand on her own and getting ready for those first steps, you can help her feel confident and practice taking those steps on her own with the help of a baby walker.

There are TWO BASIC TYPES of baby walkers: push walkers and classic walkers.

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Baby rolling over and smiling

Importance of Baby Rolling over & How to Make It Easier

As parents, we love to see our children reach their developmental milestones, accomplishing something new, no matter how small it may be.

Even a simple roll over is a great accomplish for a baby and can be exciting for parents to watch.

But did you know that it is actually a crucial part of their physical development?

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Baby teething is a problem you can solve fast

6 Easy Ways to Help Your Baby with Teething

As parents, we love to watch our children grow up; we get excited for that first roll over, the first steps, and the first words. But what about the first teeth?

Teething can be one of the hardest things you and your baby will have to go through together. Your little one cannot communicate what they are feeling, and you are desperate to find them relief.

How can you know that it is teething causing them pain, and what can you do to help it?

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Baby is sitting on beach without baby shoes

How to Choose Baby’s First Walking Shoes

As parents, we often wait on the edge of our seats in anticipation of our babies’ first wobbly steps. We envision the day when she is running and climbing, ready to explore everything around her. We want to show her the world and all the excitement it has to offer.

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